Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Target.

Washington D.C.

Just wanted to share some none screw up news with everyone. Soon, our neighborhood of Columbia Heights will be home to a new Target. (Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Marshals are all coming in soon too.) What makes this a big deal is all these big box stores are fitting into an urban neighborhood on one site that has been vacant since it was burnt down in the 60's during the DC riots.

A lot of people call it progress while just as many others call it gentrification. Either way it is quite a change and an even more exciting time to live and a big city where urban development like this is still able to take place. Id love to know what you guys think on these matters, seeing as we are all supposedly architects or something.

Aight, enjoy yourselves.

- Blenk

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