Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rome... The city that slaughters livers... also the Eternal City

I was recently introduced to this phenomenal piece of literature that pretty much sums up my life right now. I wish I could take credit for the authorship, but I must give credit where credit is due, so thank you PJ O'Rourke:

Now, if you drink a lot, and I do, it's hard to date the exact nascence of a bender. When is it that ordinary heavy drinking leaves off and a true bust, a tear, a bat, a jag begins? There's drinking in the morning... that's one sign, of course. Unless it's beer: there's nothing more delicious with sausages and eggs than beer. And a medicinal shot or two doesn't count. And if it's getting on to eleven o'clock... and in those days I was never awake before... it's nearly lunchtime, and you can hardly say you're launched on a hoolihan with a drink or three before midday meal. Then there's the shakes and a bleary thirst, but those signify alchoholism, which is but the sickly repetitious cousin of a real rampaging toot. No, I think, at least with me, I'm on a bender when I start carrying a drink, a real drink with ice cubes in a cocktail glass, with me wherever I go: to the grocery store, for instance, or the the bank, or into the shower, which is a better place than you might think, if you pour your Scotch strong and with plenty of ice. A little warm water never hurt a good blend like Chivas or Dewar's, but a single malt should only be had on the toilet or at the sink.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

This Kid is the Best

If you don't know who Ron Washington is, do yourself a favor and Google his picture and compare.

This kid gets my high five for best and most random costume.

Edit: Also do yourself a favor and go to this link for other Halloween Costume items. Good gracious...just when you thought going as a "sexy cheerleader" was a good enough costume.


Friday, October 22, 2010

The 2010 NY Gubernatorial Debate

...and you think your state government is bad. In a questionable move, Hofstra University decided to invite ALL the candidates for NY governor in 2010 on stage for the debate. So in addition to the Democratic and Republican candidates, we also got Kristin Davis (the former madame of Elliot Spitzer's prostitute) who proposes legalizing all drugs and prostitution to reduce the state's deficit. Finally we get this man, Jimmy McMillan from the (you guessed it) "Rent is Too Damn High Party". Terrific!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Funny Things in Photos

I love the things you find in photos that you didn't know where there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Van's Dog Brady.

Sorry. Got a new lens. So you guys are getting some "I've had this new toy for 5 mins" guinea pig images.

I thought Hal would like this.

Totally Tom Brady'ing that Boones Farm.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Italian men are shameless

I knew this already... but I saw an example of shamelessness today that I thought I'd share.

So I am walking home from studio, and as I cross Vittorio Emmanuele, the two italian douchebags that I am following each light up a cigarette. Creepy guy "A" immediately hurls his newly lit cigarette into oncoming traffic, and yells something at slightly less creepy guy "B" in italian... I do not understand what he has said.

I am puzzled.

Slightly less creepy guy "B" hands creepy guy "A" a brand new cigarette, which he does not light.

I am more puzzled.

Enter attractive american girl walking in the opposite direction.

Creepy guy proceeds to corner this girl against the railing that separates the sidewalk from the tram tracks, and try to ask her for "un accendino".

I now understand his elaborate plan. She, however, is not having any of his shit. Presumably because she has been accosted by shameless italians multiple times already today, on account of the hotness.

I hear her politely turn him down, and as I pass them, there is a hint of "I'm about to fucking punch you" in her voice when she asks for him to move. I then hear her ask how in the hell slightly less creepy guy was able to light his cigarette, and then I hear the unmistakable *SLAP* sound a few steps later. I turn around just in time to see these guys laugh at each other for a few seconds, check out the girl's ass as she storms away, and then light the cigarette with the lighter they had the whole time, and laugh some more.

Thank you italian men for putting every semi-attractive american girl in Rome into Defcon 1.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

So we are walking from Green Tablecloth through piazza della rotunda on our way to the new "miscellanea" so that we can get shithoused. And this guy is standing on the corner...

A classmate of mine, who wishes to remain nameless, is a little wobbly after some beers at Trinity College and some wine with dinner at Green Tablecloth... and kicks this dudes box o' euros over in the street, making it rain like Kid Rock at the Bunny Ranch.

Once at the bar, things proceeded to get rowdy, followed by belligerent.

Good first night in Rome.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

He can run!

Regardless of whether you think the coach should run out of the tunnel before the players, or not, it's nice to see one who is physically capable of putting one foot in front of the other in relatively quick succession. Is he wearing cleats?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's almost here!

"His suit and tails may imply gentility, but his cauliflower ear and stern visage tell the tale of a man whose countless post-closing bell pub brawls have rendered him utterly incapable of feeling."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Amazing Chart of the Day

This chart really is amazing. I just spent the first 30 minutes of work starring at it. Well worth the time.


Hilarious Chart of the Day

I guess in a funny way it sort of makes sense. Android is considered a more "techy" phone and iphone is touted for it's ease of use. So I'm not crossing any big bridges here to say maybe "not as smart" or shall i say "not as prudent" ladies enjoy their iphones.

No clue how any of this could be that well researched, but I like to think its accurate. Long and short of it, if you're looking to get laid...find a girl with an iphone?


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Minus the Management Fire?

Anybody want to go to Lollapalooza on August 8th?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Shark Week!

Last week was Shark Week here in Silver Spring, and the Discovery Channel headquarters has the shark up. Greg was there too.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ah baby, this your crew? I don't see no clowns.

Lebron's confidant and business manager, G Smoka Boll, quickly upstaged the phenom last week when he announced he would be playing for the Lakers next season just moments after King Jame's own announcement.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Interrupting Greg

Greg and this squirrel totally interrupted that couple's photo.


What the hell kinda neck beard was Lee-bron rocking?

Monday, June 21, 2010


just wanted to make my first post from the midwest. if anyone wants to stay in scenic toledo anytime soon...hit me up. i can show you all the best hangouts for whores, gangbangers, laid-off auto workers, and former high school athletes who are now fat and bald....ahhh NW ohio

Friday, May 7, 2010

Things I wikipediad today:

White Russian
Kaiser Soze
Sue Storm
The Upper Peninsula War
Epaphroditus Ransom

Brad Started this but must have never hit post. I thought it was worth passing on.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A quick search for Trinity of Awesome yeilds....

Floro, Blenk, Are we in their league? I like to think so.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Funny Things I See While Driving: Somebody...More Like Nobody!

This one is for you Jeff.

That's right! Amanduuuhhhhhhhh!

A New Series: Funny Things I See While Driving

I've been noticing that I see a bunch of funny shit on the roads when I'm driving around. So I've started packing my camera in my bag, so that, if I see something funny I can capture the moment to share with you fools. Today will be my first entry.

Don't nobody wanna get stuck on Skeet Street!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hold me now.

Are Coach K and Dave Chappelle an item?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Second Jeff's Emotion

Today Brandon became a sad panda.

It's a Sad Day

Here's to the passing of Bluegraysky. Now what am I going to do to pass the time at work?


Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Local DC from our hood.


The majority of this X.O. video was shot right here on 14th Street in Columbia Heights. Anyone who has visited us will recognize it. The song isn't half bad either, def. worth a few minutes time. X.O. is one 1/3 of a group called Diamond District.


X.O. - Blah Blah from 1st Impressions Studio on Vimeo.

Friday, March 5, 2010


If you haven't seen Aziz Ansari's stand up special yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things.

monkeys riding bicycles.
bears riding bicycles.
monkeys racing bears.
monkeys racing bears on bicycles.

are the bears enjoying this?
i'm sure the monkeys are cool with it, but what is stopping the bears from eating their abusive handlers?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Second Coming of Questlove

This one's for you Settle.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Chicken Tetrazzini


* 1 pound cooked and drained spaghetti
* 5 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
* 2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
* 2 1/4 cups water
* 1/4 cup butter
* 2 cubes chicken bouillon
* 1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


1. Put cooked spaghetti into 9x13-inch baking dish. Place chicken on top of spaghetti.
2. In medium saucepan heat together soup, water, butter, and bouillon. Bring to a boil and then pour over the pasta and chicken. Put shredded cheese (to taste) on top and press down a bit.
3. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 25 minutes.
4. Seduce best friend's man.