Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is My Neighborhood.

Following Brad's neighborhood post...I felt it neccesary to provide a photo of mine.  Although I feel like the people who walk in here now might not be so "anonimos."


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Seaside's very own den of sin

I give you the "No Tell Motel"

The new owner is at least keeping it fairly reputable in that there are no hourly rates... yet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I knew it!

So this show IS based on real people and real events!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

No wonder people don't take mass transit.

This snazzy ride was in front of me this morning on the way to work.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"The Most Important Gift Catalog in the World"

I recently received a catalog in the mail making the bold claim above. "What wiz-bang gadgets could the most important gift catalog in the world contain?" you ask yourself.

"A Swiss army iPhone?" Nope! Try cattle.

I could not make this up. It is in fact a catalog for charitable livestock gift giving for the 2008 holiday season. Why not donate a cow, sheep, or llama to those in need? It seems like a legit charity, Heifer International, although these pictures are just ridiculous.

The most incredible thing about this is that the catalog was addressed directly to me. Not to 'current resident', or to any previous tennant, just me.

The perfect gifts for everyone on my list, how did they know!?!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

this is what i do.



Afternoon delight...

As I was casually browsing the internet yesterday I came across a MSN article that featured LOLcats and other "meme's" as I have come to find out they are called. Overall the article was well-written and informative, however I took issue with the following example they listed:

RICKROLLING (2008) — an online prank in which users are unexpectedly linked to the ghastly Rick Astley music video "Never Gonna Give You Up."

Ghastly? Nay, I beg to disagree.

The "Rickrolling" title did lead to a wiki article that further elaborated on this phenomenon:

A little snippet for you...

Rick Astley's reaction

In a March 2008 interview, Astley said that he found the Rickrolling of Scientology to be "hilarious"; he also said that he will not try to capitalize on the Rickroll phenomenon with a new recording or remix of his own, but that he'd be happy to have other artists remix it. Overall, Astley is fine with the phenomenon, stating that he finds it "bizarre and funny" and that his only concern is that his "daughter doesn't get embarrassed about it."[53] However, a spokesperson for Astley's record label released a comment which showed that Astley's interest with the phenomenon had faded, as they stated "I'm sorry, but he's done talking about Rickrolling."[54]

Two things come to mind: Who has the time to write a wikipedia article on this? And second, rickroll scientology? Fantastic idea, wish I would have thought of it first.

Go Irish! Beat bye week!

Man, I hope there's a Sequel.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For some reason I got a spontaneous White Castle craving this afternoon.

Mmmm yeah, that's the stuff.


Presenting...Red Steel


Red Steel

Who knew Greg was such a Man about London

Monday, October 13, 2008

Looks like Greg had fun in London

Good to have you back bud...even if you had to leave all your new friends.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

That's it!

I could never quite put my finger on what Jimmy Clausen reminded me of.  Sorry if you have already seen this, it was new to me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For Fartismo Hitchcock

There has been a complaint from a reader that we haven't put anything new up lately. Let's call her E. Stalica. No, that's too obvious. Elizabeth S. Yes, that's better. This person has requested a post on a "more interesting" topic. Taking into account the likes and dislikes of this individual, here's a "more interesting" post.
A Selection of Films With Prolific 80's Music Stars as Actors
by Jeff Pollack
We'll start off with the gimme.

The Wedding Singer - Billy Idol
Such a gimme.

The Wiz - Michael Jackson
This one is chock full 'o 80's musicians, so take your pick. MJ came to mind first.

Oliver and Company - Billy Joel
Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria!

Mars Attacks - Tom Jones
His music kills the Martians. Hmmmm.....

Duets - Huey Lewis
Gwenyth Paltrow also sings in this one. Hmmmm..........

Dune - Sting
I got so wrapped up in this movie the first time I watched it as a kid it kept me up until 3 in the morning. I was a huge nerd. Still am.

Labyrinth - David Bowie
You freaky Bowie.
This is by no means an exhaustive list and only includes movies I've seen and could get off the top of my head on a Tuesday afternoon. Feel free to suggest additions.
Ok Stalica, chew on that for a while.