Friday, October 29, 2010

This Kid is the Best

If you don't know who Ron Washington is, do yourself a favor and Google his picture and compare.

This kid gets my high five for best and most random costume.

Edit: Also do yourself a favor and go to this link for other Halloween Costume items. Good gracious...just when you thought going as a "sexy cheerleader" was a good enough costume.


Friday, October 22, 2010

The 2010 NY Gubernatorial Debate

...and you think your state government is bad. In a questionable move, Hofstra University decided to invite ALL the candidates for NY governor in 2010 on stage for the debate. So in addition to the Democratic and Republican candidates, we also got Kristin Davis (the former madame of Elliot Spitzer's prostitute) who proposes legalizing all drugs and prostitution to reduce the state's deficit. Finally we get this man, Jimmy McMillan from the (you guessed it) "Rent is Too Damn High Party". Terrific!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Funny Things in Photos

I love the things you find in photos that you didn't know where there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Van's Dog Brady.

Sorry. Got a new lens. So you guys are getting some "I've had this new toy for 5 mins" guinea pig images.

I thought Hal would like this.

Totally Tom Brady'ing that Boones Farm.