Monday, October 8, 2007

Comparing Apples to Watermelons

Washington D.C.

I just wanted to salute Hal for his grand trip to DC this past weekend. Needless to say, as we have all come to understand, when fun Hal makes an appearance, fun Hal leaves his mark. And needless to say, I paid dearly Sunday for good fun. I wanted to do a quick comparison of two thing i have to to know as facts.

The number of times Brad has forgotten his name while hanging out with old college buddies < (is less than) the number of times Hal threw up on the Metro ride home Saturday night! Frankly I found this astounding. But simple math has told me 2 is still less than 3.

In any case. I salute you both. More on this later.


1 comment:

ND Arkie said...

Agreed, 2 is still less than 3.

However, if you add in all the times that I forgot my name/couldn't see WHILE STILL IN college...

3 is definitely less than countless.

- I forgot