Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For Fartismo Hitchcock

There has been a complaint from a reader that we haven't put anything new up lately. Let's call her E. Stalica. No, that's too obvious. Elizabeth S. Yes, that's better. This person has requested a post on a "more interesting" topic. Taking into account the likes and dislikes of this individual, here's a "more interesting" post.
A Selection of Films With Prolific 80's Music Stars as Actors
by Jeff Pollack
We'll start off with the gimme.

The Wedding Singer - Billy Idol
Such a gimme.

The Wiz - Michael Jackson
This one is chock full 'o 80's musicians, so take your pick. MJ came to mind first.

Oliver and Company - Billy Joel
Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria!

Mars Attacks - Tom Jones
His music kills the Martians. Hmmmm.....

Duets - Huey Lewis
Gwenyth Paltrow also sings in this one. Hmmmm..........

Dune - Sting
I got so wrapped up in this movie the first time I watched it as a kid it kept me up until 3 in the morning. I was a huge nerd. Still am.

Labyrinth - David Bowie
You freaky Bowie.
This is by no means an exhaustive list and only includes movies I've seen and could get off the top of my head on a Tuesday afternoon. Feel free to suggest additions.
Ok Stalica, chew on that for a while.


Brad said...

The one that comes to mind is Donnie Wahlberg, of New Kids on the Block infamy. His movie career is laughable compared to his little brother's, but he was the cracked out, Bruce Willis killing addict in the Sixth Sense.

Jeff said...

No way, that was him? News to me.