Thursday, December 6, 2007

Real Estate Investment Opportunity!

If any of you guys are thinking of quitting architecture, I think I have an idea of what you can do with yourself. Own a bar! And not just any bar....



Blenk said...

Holy Shit. Ummm, our condo costs more than that. buy, SELL, BuY, BUY!!!


Floro said...

How the hell is it worth $695,000 in the first place...mind-blowing

Brad said...

My dad and I were talking the other day that if I went back to ND for grad school I should just buy a house instead of renting for two years. Maybe I should just buy club 23 and set up a cot in the corner.

Blenk said...

Brad, it says clearly in the statement that there is a rentable apartment upstairs....your in!! Your dream is coming true, you could own a bar and go to thing possible. Student owned bar, bwah, think of the fucking possibilities.

Blenk said...
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