Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Roommate is driving home... to Hawaii

As you may or may not know, my roommate hails from Aiea, Hawaii. For those of you who are counting consonants, you're correct... there's only two, and one entire word made up of vowels. In Hawaii's defense, they did have the English language forced upon them before the continental US was kind enough to send English teachers... but I digress. Dan recently google mapped a trip from our abode here in Seaside to his old stomping grounds on Honolulu, and was rather surprised that it would yeild a result, considering there is no "airplane" or "stowaway on carnival cruise ship" option on google maps.

A bridge? From Seattle to Honolulu? It can't be... LA or San Francisco would be a much more logical choice. Fear not good friends... there is no bridge:

Instead, Google suggests a refreshing 2,756 mi Kayak trip across the Pacific. Presumably, since the next few directions involve entering a 45mph road, you're towing you're vehicle on a barge behind that kayak. Words, I have none...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Tell Dan to pack some snacks for the trip in case he gets hungry...